Best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit
Best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit

best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit

Note: If CCleaner does not appear in the uninstall list, you need to navigate to the installation folder (typically, C:\Program Files\CCleaner ) folder and open the “uninst.exe” file. Click Start > Settings (gear or cogwheel icon) > Apps.You can also uninstall CCleaner via the Windows Control Panel, but the process will vary depending on which version of Windows you're using. Open the Run dialog in Windows ( On the keyboard, hold the Windows and R keys simultaneously).Uninstall CCleaner (applies to most versions of Windows):

best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit

Note: This page is designed to cater to most versions of Microsoft Windows and prioritizes its more popular platforms.

best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit

This page explains how you can uninstall CCleaner on Windows 10, including Windows 7, Vista, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.

Best uninstaller for windows 7 64 bit